In order to take good, professional level, close-up photos of jewelry and other small items, you need excellent, even lighting. A light box is the best way to do this. The lights are strong and professional, and with the even reflection, the piece is lit so that the real beauty and coloring can be captured in a photograph. While it is possible to create your own light box, the time and money for pieces almost equal the price of a professional one.
Photo cubes are a good in-between option for people who want to take professional level photos, but who don’t want to purchase a professional light box. The cube is easy to collapse and has thin, white fabric sides that you shine lights through to achieve even lighting.
The LA Shop offers a wide range of light cubes and boxes for this type of photography, and several of the photo cubes come with different color, easy-to-switch backgrounds, such as the 20-inch photo cube.
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